Then goodbye(那么再见) ლ Do not see again(再也不见)
Tout-An.诺尘. ლ Tout-An.诺粞
Decease(灭亡) ლ Revive(复活)
丶IDoser ლ 丶Somuns
Small Teenager(小骚年) ლ Small mushroom cool(小姑凉)
Have you now陪伴 ლ Have you now疼嗳
North harbor(北港) ლ South Bay(南湾)
nly ლ Just
Small Teenager(小骚年) ლ Small mushroom cool(小姑凉)
Soul ლ Mate
Flies(荏苒) ლ Wasted(蹉跎)
North harbor(北港) ლ South Bay(南湾)
羁绊 °sunset ლ 牵绊 °sunset
coastline(海岸线) ლ horizon(地平线)
:Heyna. ლ :Green.
暖色 cheeks ლ 冷色 cheeks
温瞳 Souゝ ლ 冷眸 Souゝ
Sunshine(阳光) ლ Sunflower(向日葵)
失魂人* Pugss ლ 控魂者* Monee
Je t'ime ლ He t'ime
version(谨守) ლ coution(谨护)
Mr.right(真命皇帝) ლ sweetheart(甜心法宝)
Loaded naive ლ loaded naive
醉后的情事°heart ლ 仿纵的情欲°heart
Mystery 』 ლ Love』
my heart° 为沵痴迷- ლ my world° 为沵颠覆-
Pluto(冥王星) ლ Charon(卡戎)
Then goodbye(那么再见) ლ Do not see again(再也不见)
_Climb,the ლ _Drift,the
North harbor(北港) ლ South Bay(南湾)
Always in his heart(久居贰心) ლ Settle in her heart(假寓她心)
Sigh(轻叹) ლ Joke(笑谈)
说唱机▌ old-dec ლ 点唱机▌ old-dec
浮浅Superficia ლ 言冷Coldwords
- Emotiona°这段情 ლ - Emotiona°要爱护保重
旧嗳 ║outsi ლ 新欢 ║outsi
December -【低吟】 ლ November -【浅唱】
嗳或毁 Extreme ლ 恨或厌 Extreme
Princess(公主) ლ Knight(骑士)
恋人依 nm ლ 伊人缠 nm
Oxygen(氧气) ლ Anoxia(缺氧)
说唱机old-dec ლ 点唱机old-dec
White Shirts(白衬衫) ლ Floral Dress (碎花裙)
Stars(星辰) ლ Moon(月亮)
Love ♡ ﹏ ლ ♡ ﹏ CHING
Fool 〆 ლ Stupid 〆
【煞有误事Full Version】 ლ 【煞有介事Full Version】
Stars(星辰) ლ Moon(月亮)
Deep memory(深海记忆) ლ Shallow sea carp(浅海鲤鱼)
Deep memory(深海记忆) ლ Shallow carp(浅海鲤鱼)
moon(月亮) ლ sun(太阳)
┗Boy┛ ლ ┗Girl┛
I Like. ლ I Love.
perfect(很完美) ლ imperfect(不完美)
Princess(公主) ლ Knight(骑士)
Adam(亚当) ლ Eve(夏娃)
Adriano ლ Adriana
Jue Jun ★ rz ლ Fit ☆ rz Shu cake
. Poison ლ . Antidote
【煞有误事 Full Version】 ლ 【煞有介事 Full Version】
梦 寐? Zahara ლ 蛊 独? Xerxes
知足 Content つ ლ 见机 Content つ
King(国王) ლ Queen(女王)
Dunabeヽ ლ Thamesヽ
Wish him happiness(祝他幸福) ლ wish me happy(祝我康乐)
Hi‚ girl ლ Hey‚ boy
Iris(鸢尾) ლ Lancome(兰蔻)
Then goodbye(那么再见) ლ Do not see again(再也不见)
y1ng mm, ლ L3ng gg,
Decease(灭亡) ლ Revive(复活)
Eternal 感性 ლ Eternal 理性
╰ 'unique love. ლ ╰ 'only love.
こpeerless 断夏 ლ こpeerless 续连
Lazy,love Ma ლ San scattered,like Ma
Love ¢ ლ For ¢