

倾梅煮酒  2024-04-22 14:08 来源:起名网
[摘要]folks! Let's put on our walking shoes and delve into the fascinating world of characters with the "走" radical (辶)! These characters not only guide our

       folks! Let's put on our walking shoes and delve into the fascinating world of characters with the "走" radical (辶)! These characters not only guide our steps but also shed light on our rich cultural heritage. Let's embark on an enlightening journey to unravel their secrets, shall we?

//What's the Deal with "走"? (走之旁的字跟什么有关)

       "走" (zǒu) is a radical that resembles a person walking. It's the simplified form of "辵" (chuò), which represents the foot. So, it's no surprise that characters containing "走" often have something to do with movement, traveling, or the like.


// A Trip Down the Walkway of Meaning (走之旁的字跟什么有关)

       Join us as we stroll down the pathway of characters with the "走" radical, exploring their diverse meanings and intriguing stories.

// "走" and the Path of Human Experience

Character Meaning Tidbits
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To walk From the image of a person walking with a stick, 行 symbolizes the act of walking.
To flee This one's pretty self-explanatory! 逃 depicts the hasty movement of escaping from danger.
To enter Enter a room, a new chapter, or a whole new world! 进 represents the action of moving inwards.
Near Close proximity? Check! 近 describes something that's not too far away.
Far On the flip side, 远 indicates a significant distance. It's like when you're trying to reach the end of an endless hallway!
To chase Got something or someone in your sights? 追 captures the act of pursuing something with determination.
To deliver Picture a thoughtful gesture! 送 represents the act of giving something to someone or taking it to a specific place.

       As we continue our journey with "走," we'll discover how deeply these characters are intertwined with the tapestry of human experiences.

Character Meaning Life Lessons
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To return Sometimes, life requires us to retrace our steps. 还 reflects the act of going back to a place or returning something.
To encounter Life's full of unexpected encounters! 遇 captures the moment when we cross paths with others or unexpected events.
To connect Let's bridge the gaps! 连 represents the act of joining things together or establishing connections.

       As we venture further, we'll unravel even more captivating meanings hidden within "走" characters.

// Navigating the Maze of Meanings (走之旁的字跟什么有关)


       Are you ready to dive deeper into the labyrinth of words with "走"?

//Strolling Down the Path of Trivia(走之旁的字跟什么有关)

Character Meaning Fun Facts
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To go to Think of rushing to an important appointment! 赴 conveys the sense of going somewhere with a purpose.
To pursue Whether it's a dream or a runaway train, 追 embodies the relentless act of going after something.
To e Picture a warm embrace! 迎 depicts the joyful act of meeting someone or something with open arms.
To select Decision time! 选 represents the careful process of choosing something from a group of options.
To escape Sometimes, the best option is to make a swift exit! 逃 captures the act of fleeing from danger or an unpleasant situation.

       Before we wrap up our "走" adventure, let's take a detour into some intriguing trivia!

// Your Turn, Trailblazers!(走之旁的字跟什么有关)

Character Tidbit
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The full form of 还 includes a person carrying something on their back, symbolizing the act of returning something.
进 originally depicted a person walking into a door.
渡 means "to cross," and it's often used in the context of crossing a river or a difficult situation.

       Hey there, fellow word enthusiasts! Now that we've explored the world of "走" characters, it's your turn to share your thoughts. Have you stumbled upon any other intriguing characters with this radical? Perhaps you've got a favorite "走" character story to share? Let's keep the conversation going and expand our knowledge together!



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