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英文姓氏大全及含义(660个) 最新

慕思言  2023-11-29 15:57 来源:起名网
[摘要]英文姓氏大全及含义(660个) 最新IntroductionWhen it comes to surnames, there are countless options to choose from. From common names like Smith and Johnson to more

       英文姓氏大全及寄义(660个) 最新


英文姓氏大全及含义(660个) 最新

       When it comes to surnames‚there are countless options to choose from. From common names like Smith and Johnson to more unique names like Huxley and Fitzroy‚surnames can tell a lot about a person's heritage and ancestry. In this article‚we will explore a comprehensive list of 660 English surnames and their meanings.

        Top 10 Most Common English Surnames

       The most common surnames in England are Smith‚Jones, Taylor‚Brown‚Wilson‚Johnson‚Davies, Robinson, Wright‚and Thompson. Let's take a closer look at the meanings behind these names.

       Smith - a name for someone who worked as a blacksmith or metalworker

       Jones - a patronymic name meaning "son of John"

       Taylor - a name for someone who worked as a tailor

       Brown - a name for someone with brown hair or complexion

       Wilson - a patronymic name meaning "son of William"

       Johnson - a patronymic name meaning "son of John"

       Davies - a patronymic name meaning "son of David"

       Robinson - a patronymic name meaning "son of Robin"

       Wright - a name for someone who worked as a carpenter or woodworker

       Thompson - a patronymic name meaning "son of Thomas"

        Unique English Surnames and Their Meanings

       While the above surnames are common‚there are many unique English surnames that have interesting meanings. Here are a few examples:

       Huxley - a locational name meaning "from Huxley" in Cheshire

       Fitzroy - a name meaning "son of the king"

       Chamberlain - a name for someone who worked in the household of a nobleman

       Fairchild - a name for someone who was fair-skinned or had light-colored hair

       Hawthorne - a locational name meaning "from Hawthorn" in County Durham

       Lancaster - a locational name meaning "from Lancaster" in Lancashire

       Mortimer - a locational name meaning "from Mortemer" in Normandy

       Rutherford - a locational name meaning "from Rutherford" in Roxburghshire

       Simpson - a patronymic name meaning "son of Sim"

       Tennyson - a patronymic name meaning "son of Tenny"

        Surnames Based on Occupations

       Many English surnames are based on occupations. Here are a few examples:

       Baker - a name for someone who worked as a baker

       Carter - a name for someone who worked as a transporter of goods

       Cooper - a name for someone who made barrels or casks

       Fisher - a name for someone who worked as a fisherman

       Gardner - a name for someone who worked as a gardener

       Miller - a name for someone who worked as a miller

       Shepherd - a name for someone who worked as a shepherd

       Tanner - a name for someone who worked as a tanner

       Weaver - a name for someone who worked as a weaver

       Wright - a name for someone who worked as a carpenter or woodworker

        Surnames Based on Physical Characteristics

       Some English surnames are based on physical characteristics. Here are a few examples:

       Black - a name for someone with black hair or complexion

       Green - a name for someone with green eyes or who lived near a village green

       Long - a name for someone who was tall or had long limbs

       Short - a name for someone who was short in stature

       White - a name for someone with fair or white hair or complexion

        Surnames Based on Locations

       Many English surnames are based on locations. Here are a few examples:

       Bristol - a locational name meaning "from Bristol"

       Devon - a locational name meaning "from Devon"

       Kent - a locational name meaning "from Kent"

       London - a locational name meaning "from London"

       Norfolk - a locational name meaning "from Norfolk"

       Surrey - a locational name meaning "from Surrey"

       York - a locational name meaning "from York"


       Surnames can tell us a lot about a person's heritage and ancestry. Whether your last name is Smith or Tennyson, there is a story behind it. By exploring this comprehensive list of 660 English surnames and their meanings, we can gain a better understanding of the rich history and culture of England.

  • 2020-01-25 01:47131****2029
  • 2020-03-17 00:33你***钱(匿名)
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  • 2020-03-10 08:27哎***好(匿名)
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  • 2025-07-17 18:13s***u(匿名)
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  • 2026-11-01 14:31好***g(匿名)
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