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英文名 女(最新160个)

冷残影  2023-11-23 14:08 来源:起名网
[摘要]英文名_女(最新160个)每个人都有自己的名字‚ 而在英语世界中‚ 女性的英文名字也是多种多样的。 下面是一些最新的女性英文名字‚ 希望能给你一些灵感。 Abbey(阿比) Alice(爱丽丝) Angela(安琪拉) Annie(安妮) Ashley(艾希莉) Cathy(凯茜) Doris



英文名 女(最新160个)



















    英文名 女(最新160个)

           "这个名字来历于拉丁文‚它的寄义是"荣耀的,名誉的"。 Gloria是一个异常锦绣的名字‚它给人一种高贵 、辉煌的感觉。 "


           English Names for Girls (Latest 160)


           Choosing a name for your baby girl is an important decision as it will be with her for the rest of her life. With so many options available‚it can be overwhelming to choose the perfect name. In this article‚we have compiled a list of the latest 160 English names for girls. Each name has its own unique meaning and origin. We hope this list will help you find the perfect name for your little one.

            1. Classic Names

           Classic names never go out of style and have been popular for decades. These names have a timeless appeal and are perfect for parents who want a name that will stand the test of time.

           Elizabeth: Meaning "God is my oath‚" Elizabeth is a classic name that has been popular for centuries. It has royal connotations and is associated with Queen Elizabeth II.

           Charlotte: This name has become increasingly popular in recent years‚thanks to the birth of Princess Charlotte. It means "free man" and has French origins.

           Audrey: Meaning "noble strength‚" Audrey is a classic name that has been popular since the 1920s. It is associated with the iconic actress Audrey Hepburn.

            2. Unique Names

           If you're looking for a name that is a little more unique, here are some options to consider.

           Lyra: This name has gained popularity in recent years‚thanks to the His Dark Materials series. It means "lyre‚" which is a musical instrument.

           Aria: Meaning "air" or "song‚" Aria is a beautiful and unique name that has become increasingly popular in recent years.

           Ember: This name has a fiery connotation and means "spark." It's a great choice for parents who want a name that is both unique and meaningful.

            3. Nature Names

           Nature names have become increasingly popular in recent years. These names are inspired by the beauty of the natural world and are perfect for parents who love the outdoors.

           Willow: This name has a peaceful and serene connotation and is perfect for parents who love nature. It's associated with the willow tree‚which is known for its graceful branches.

           Ivy: Meaning "faithfulness‚" Ivy is a beautiful name that is associated with the climbing plant. It has become increasingly popular in recent years.

           Aurora: This name means "dawn" and is associated with the Northern Lights. It's a great choice for parents who want a name that is both beautiful and meaningful.

            4. Names with a Literary Connection

           If you're a book lover‚why not choose a name that has a literary connection?

           Harper: This name is associated with the author Harper Lee‚who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird. It means "harp player" and has become increasingly popular in recent years.

           Scout: Another name associated with To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout is a great choice for parents who want a name that is both unique and meaningful.

           Eloise: This name is associated with the children's book series Eloise‚which follows the adventures of a mischievous little girl who lives in the Plaza Hotel.

            5. Names with a Musical Connection

           If you're a music lover, why not choose a name that has a musical connection?

           Lennon: This name is associated with John Lennon‚the iconic musician and member of The Beatles. It means "lover" and has become increasingly popular in recent years.

           Lyric: Meaning "words of a song," Lyric is a beautiful and unique name that is perfect for parents who love music.

           Viola: This name is associated with the musical instrument, the viola. It's a great choice for parents who want a name that is both unique and meaningful.


           Choosing a name for your baby girl is a big decision. Whether you prefer classic names‚unique names‚nature names‚names with a literary connection‚or names with a musical connection‚there are plenty of options to choose from. We hope this list has inspired you and helped you find the perfect name for your little one.

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