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夏遇云笺  2023-11-23 13:46 来源:起名网
[摘要]英文名字寓意好的英文名(推荐430个)选择一个寓意好的英文名字对于许多人来说是一项重要的任务。 一个有意义的名字可以给人带来自信和幸福感。 在这里‚ 我为大家推荐了430个寓意好的英文名字,希望能够帮助到你。 Herbert(赫伯特)是一位十分有名且成绩斐然的战士。 Baron(博瑞)指男爵‚ 寓意高贵


       选择一个寓意好的英文名字对于许多人来说是一项重要的义务。 一个有意义的名字可以给人带来自信和幸福感。在这里‚我为大家推荐了430个寓意好的英文名字‚希望可以或许匡助到你。



       Baron(博瑞)指男爵‚寓意高贵 、勇敢。





























       Gerald是一个古老而威严的名字‚代表着勇气和果断。        还有一些名字适合无论男女:








       Flora是一个优雅而迷人的名字‚象征开花朵和自然之美。        在选择英文名字时‚我们可以根据自己的爱好和个性来挑选。这些寓意好的英文名字可以匡助我们展现出自己独特的魅力。




       Choosing a name for your baby can be a daunting task. Many parents want to give their child a name that not only sounds good but also has a positive meaning. In this article, we have compiled a list of 430 English names that have good meanings. These names are perfect for parents who want to give their child a name that will inspire them and help them become the best version of themselves.

        1. Names that mean "Strength"

       Strength is a quality that is highly valued in our society. Here are some English names that have the meaning of strength:

       1. Andrew - This name means "manly" or "warrior."

       2. Ethan - This name means "strong" or "firm."

       3. Gabriel - This name means "God is my strength."

       4. Liam - This name means "strong-willed warrior."

       5. Valerie - This name means "strength" or "health."

       6. Wyatt - This name means "brave in war."

        2. Names that mean "Wisdom"

       Wisdom is another quality that is highly valued. Here are some English names that have the meaning of wisdom:

       1. Alfred - This name means "wise counselor."

       2. Athena - This name means "wise" or "intelligent."

       3. Edmund - This name means "prosperous protector" or "wise protector."

       4. Phoebe - This name means "bright" or "shining one."

       5. Sophia - This name means "wisdom."

       6. Solomon - This name means "peaceful" or "wise."

        3. Names that mean "Love"

       Love is a universal language that transcends all barriers. Here are some English names that have the meaning of love:

       1. Amara - This name means "eternal love."

       2. Carys - This name means "love" or "beloved."

       3. David - This name means "beloved" or "friend."

       4. Esme - This name means "beloved" or "esteemed."

       5. Freya - This name means "love" or "goddess of love."

       6. Mila - This name means "loved by the people."

        4. Names that mean "Joy"

       Joy is a feeling that we all strive for. Here are some English names that have the meaning of joy:

       1. Abigail - This name means "my father's joy."

       2. Blythe - This name means "happy" or "carefree."

       3. Felicity - This name means "happiness" or "good fortune."

       4. Isaac - This name means "laughter" or "he will laugh."

       5. Keegan - This name means "little fire" or "fiery joy."

       6. Mabel - This name means "lovable" or "full of joy."

        5. Names that mean "Peace"

       Peace is a quality that is highly valued in our world. Here are some English names that have the meaning of peace:

       1. Irene - This name means "peace."

       2. Jonah - This name means "dove" or "peaceful."

       3. Paxton - This name means "peaceful town."

       4. Serenity - This name means "calm" or "peaceful."

       5. Solomon - This name means "peaceful" or "wise."

       6. Winifred - This name means "blessed peacemaker."


       In conclusion‚choosing a name for your baby is an important decision. It is a name that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. By choosing a name with a positive meaning‚you are setting your child up for success. We hope that this list of 430 English names with good meanings has helped you in your search for the perfect name for your baby.

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    喜得男宝一枚 家人都很开心 可是在英文名字里犯了愁 最后请了大师出门 根据生辰八字起的名 人的一生里想要的 英文名字里都有了 但愿他的一生就如他的英文名字 感谢大师。
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    第一次在网上起名 英文名字有个性诗经中最唯美的英文名字又大气 给大师点个赞 推荐。
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    呵呵 周一大师取名 还是有点东西 我姓高 我老婆姓郭 儿子取名高压锅。
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