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英文名字寓意好的英文名(110个) 精选英文名女

婵依丹  2023-11-22 15:45 来源:起名网
[摘要]英文名字寓意好的英文名(110个)选择一个好的英文名字对于很多人来说是非常重要的。 一个寓意好的英文名不仅能够给人带来好运,还能够展现个人的特点和品质。 下面是一些精选的英文名女‚ 它们都有着独特而美丽的寓意。 Ada: 这个名字的意思是“快乐”或“幸福”。 选择这个名字的女孩通常都非常开朗和乐观。 A



英文名字寓意好的英文名(110个) 精选英文名女

           Ada: 这个名字的意思是“康乐”或“幸福”。 选择这个名字的女孩凡是都异常开朗和乐观。

           Alina: 来自古德语‚意思是“高贵”。 取这个名字的女孩凡是都有着高雅和优雅的气质。

           Anne: 这个名字有着仁慈 、优雅 、喜欢匡助人的寄义。 取这个名字的女孩凡是都异常友善和乐于助人。

           Emma: 来自古德语‚寓意为“全部”或“宇宙”。 选择这个名字的女孩凡是都拥有宏大辽阔厚实的知识。

           Olivia: 这个名字来历于莎士比亚戏剧《第十二夜》‚意思是“橄榄树”。取这个名字的女孩凡是都具有优雅和智慧。

           Ava: 这个名字来历于希伯来语‚意为“生命”。 选择这个名字的女孩凡是都充满活力和生机。

       除了以上几个名字‚还有许多其他寓意好的英文名。 好比:

       Amelia: 这个名字寓意为“勤劳”或“努力工作”,适合那些勤奋向上的女孩。

       Aurora: 这个名字意为“拂晓”或“晨曦”‚象征着新的开始和希望。

       Grace: 这个名字意为“优雅”或“膏泽”,适合那些温柔而优雅的女孩。

       Lily: 这个名字象征着纯洁和锦绣,适合那些纯挚而可爱的女孩。

       Sophia: 这个名字寓意为“智慧”或“聪明”‚适合那些聪明才智的女孩。

英文名字寓意好的英文名(110个) 精选英文名女

       选择一个好的英文名字是一件异常个性化的工作,每个人都有自己喜欢的气势派头和寓意。 希望以上这些精选的英文名女可以或许给你一些启发,匡助你找到一个寓意好的英文名字。

       110 Good Meaning English Names for Girls


       Choosing a name for your baby girl can be a daunting task. You want a name that not only sounds beautiful but also has a positive meaning. That's why we have compiled a list of 110 good meaning English names for girls to help you choose the perfect name for your little one.

1. Grace

       Grace is a classic name that means "elegance" or "charm." It's a name that has been popular for centuries‚and it's easy to see why. Grace is a timeless name that will never go out of style.

       Grace is a name that has been used by many famous women throughout history‚including Grace Kelly‚the actress and Princess of Monaco. It's a name that exudes class and sophistication.

2. Hope

       Hope is a name that means "optimism" or "faith." It's a name that is perfect for parents who want to instill a positive outlook in their child from a young age.

       Hope is a name that has been used by many famous women‚including Hope Solo‚the American soccer player. It's a name that represents strength and perseverance.

3. Faith

       Faith is a name that means "belief" or "trust." It's a name that is perfect for parents who want their child to have a strong sense of faith and spirituality.

       Faith is a name that has been used by many famous women‚including Faith Hill, the country singer. It's a name that represents hope and trust in a higher power.

4. Joy

       Joy is a name that means "happiness" or "delight." It's a name that is perfect for parents who want their child to bring joy to others.

       Joy is a name that has been used by many famous women‚including Joy Behar‚the television host. It's a name that represents positivity and happiness.

5. Grace

       Grace is a name that means "elegance" or "charm." It's a name that is perfect for parents who want their child to have a graceful and charming personality.

       Grace is a name that has been used by many famous women throughout history, including Grace Kelly‚the actress and Princess of Monaco. It's a name that exudes class and sophistication.

6. Faith

       Faith is a name that means "belief" or "trust." It's a name that is perfect for parents who want their child to have a strong sense of faith and spirituality.

       Faith is a name that has been used by many famous women‚including Faith Hill‚the country singer. It's a name that represents hope and trust in a higher power.

7. Hope

       Hope is a name that means "optimism" or "faith." It's a name that is perfect for parents who want to instill a positive outlook in their child from a young age.

       Hope is a name that has been used by many famous women, including Hope Solo‚the American soccer player. It's a name that represents strength and perseverance.

8. Joy

       Joy is a name that means "happiness" or "delight." It's a name that is perfect for parents who want their child to bring joy to others.

       Joy is a name that has been used by many famous women‚including Joy Behar‚the television host. It's a name that represents positivity and happiness.

9. Grace

       Grace is a name that means "elegance" or "charm." It's a name that is perfect for parents who want their child to have a graceful and charming personality.

       Grace is a name that has been used by many famous women throughout history‚including Grace Kelly‚the actress and Princess of Monaco. It's a name that exudes class and sophistication.

10. Faith

       Faith is a name that means "belief" or "trust." It's a name that is perfect for parents who want their child to have a strong sense of faith and spirituality.

       Faith is a name that has been used by many famous women‚including Faith Hill, the country singer. It's a name that represents hope and trust in a higher power.


       Choosing the right name for your baby girl is an important decision. It's a name that she will carry with her for the rest of her life. That's why it's important to choose a name that not only sounds beautiful but also has a positive meaning. We hope that our list of 110 good meaning English names for girls has helped you find the perfect name for your little one.

  • 2020-01-21 15:33光***6(匿名)
  • 2024-01-16 14:17稳***5(匿名)
  • 2024-08-21 01:21135****8551
    确实是可以一直起名 选到满意为止 师傅很有耐心 就是我自己都不好意思了……今天终于确定了英文名字,谢谢大师帮忙解析。
  • 2024-04-10 19:20郝***妤(匿名)
  • 2023-04-17 01:09134****7036
  • 2020-02-02 07:55133****3968
  • 2028-05-01 04:451***红(匿名)
  • 2029-04-22 05:54158****1792
  • 2023-11-26 19:18155****9161
  • 2030-07-23 10:22姚***姚(匿名)
  • 2032-07-31 00:28158****7813
    服务态度特别好。 但是起的响亮寓意好的英文名字没有相中的。
  • 2025-01-06 06:43怪***咯(匿名)
    起名很迅速,因为我比较着急,正好赶上。 英文名字也起得很符合心意。家里人都很满意。 找了好几家折腾了好多天最后抱着试一试的心态没想到给办成了。 很惊喜。 谢谢老师了??。
  • 2030-08-06 08:57139****9155
    真的很不错哦 厉害了 我的天 谢谢 下次再买。
  • 2021-02-06 18:53156****8900
  • 2025-01-30 19:38135****9660
    孩子的英文名字很重要!想了老半天还是没想好! 刚好网上有这套服务!终于取到了好英文名字!真的很方便!谢谢卖家。
  • 1902-01-01 10:01132****7170
  • 1904-05-14 07:38189****7948
  • 2031-06-26 00:03158****6207
  • 2029-09-18 05:45d***宝(匿名)
    师傅很耐心的帮助我为宝宝起英文名字 对于我各种问题都不厌其烦地为我解答。英文名字起的很好,很有韵味,有深度。有个英文名字里面有水木,所以就用了那个都含水木的英文名字。很喜欢这个,比自己起的好。怎么起都不如师傅起的好,经过家人的商量后最终确定下来了。师傅热情服务好,超级好评。客服人也很好,回复的也很有耐心。
  • 2020-07-30 07:01g***曹