In England a famous bearer of this name was Phoebe Hessel nee Smith born 1713-1821 she was born in Stepney in the east end of London to a poor family and at the age of 15 fell in love with a sailor called William Goulding but because he had to go to sea she dressed as a boy and signed up to the Royal Navy to be with her lover. She even fought as a man age 16 and got wounded in the arm at the Battle of Fontenoy in 1726. During her life in the Royal Navy they sailed all around Europe and the Caribbean. Phoebe married William and had 6 or 7 children with him at the navel port in Plymouth England. Sadly William died young and all her children died in infancy. Soon afterwards on their next voyage she revealed her gender to the ship's surgeon's wife in 1745 although this was a serious crime she was not punished. Later moving to Brighton and remarrying a fisherman named Thomas Hessel, she lived in Brighton on the south coast of England by now becoming a fashionable spa resort town. In old age she sold gingerbread and candied fruits outside the Prince Regent's Grand Oriental style pavilion in Brighton and became a local and then a national celebrity. Although still remaining desperately poor, she was given a pension by the later prince in 1808, later King George the fourth and was invited to his coronation in 1820. She died in Brighton at the age of 108 in 1821 her headstone reads Phoebe Hessel born in the reign of Queen Anne in the year of our lord 1713 and died in the reign of King George the fourth 1821. What a strong and remarkable woman she must have been, breaking all the rules all of the time :-)寓意:Martha,Patience等昵称 Martha,Patience等昵称 一开始是Matty的一个变异,一个17世纪初MARTHA简称。它如今一般作为PATRICIA的简称。
寓意:美分,有钱人,鲜花的含意,Penelope的缩写 美分,有钱人 Dimenutive的PENELOPE。
寓意:Petra [pe-tra]作为一个女孩的名字音标发音为PEH-trah。这也是古希腊裔,Petra的意思就是“摇滚乐”。约翰的女性变型。港口被用于一个女孩的名字,鉴于20个世纪50时代女艺人港口安吉利。 Peta是荷兰语方式。 女性方式的PETER。那也是该地目前是摩洛哥的一个古城的名字。
寓意:Martha、Patricia等昵称;Patrick的昵称 Martha、Patricia等昵称;Patrick的昵称 PATRICK或PATRICIA的简称。这一名字的着名持有人是帕特·加勒特(1850年至1908年),治安官拍照麦尔斯的小孩。
寓意:古人,久远的意味 古人 罗马名字,一个简称PRISCA。在新约里的使徒保罗与普里西拉和她的老公阿奎拉在柯林斯住了一段时间。它自打新教徒改革创新至今被用于英文赋予的名字,遭受清教徒的热捧。伯特·沃兹沃斯Longfellow应用他在它的诗文“权威性的公里规范”(1858)。
寓意:甜美 甜美 这一名字是16世纪末由作家菲利浦·西德尼创造出来的,用以他的诗“阿卡迪亚”。他也许意味着它意味着来源于希腊文παν(pan)“all”和μελι(meli)“honey”的“全部清甜味”。它之后被文学家塞缪尔·理查森聘请在他小说集“帕米拉,或传统美德奖赏”(1740)的女主人公,以后,它被用于一个特定的名字。它直至20个世纪才兴起。
▎兔年Phoebe英文名什么意思 Phoebe英文名 菲碧Phoebe名字寓意(挑选) :带字义分析
① 、 【琳欣】
琳:指良玉,喻幸福宝贵的物品。 琳字五行属木,用作小孩子名字意指漂亮、心地善良、至真至醇、高贵之义。
欣::指开心、喜爱、开心的模样;也指繁茂,充沛,如生机勃勃。 欣字五行属木,帅气寓意的新生儿名字,用作人名意指生机盎然、开朗、乐观之义。
② 、 【思蕊】
思:意为怀恋、考虑到、思念。 也是有思齐、构思、新奇独特的设计构思、雅趣等含意。 思字五行属金,用作小孩子名字意指逻辑思维宽阔、聪明正直之义。
蕊:指花芯或花蕾,蔓草散生。 蔓草丰收在望貌。 蕊字五行属木,帅气寓意的新生儿名字,用作人名意指天真、幸福、卓有成就。
③ 、 【姝欣】
姝:指漂亮、幸福、漂亮美女、头发柔顺。 姝字五行属金,用作寓意名字意指佳人月貌、温驯之义。
欣::指开心、喜爱、开心的模样;也指繁茂,充沛,如生机勃勃。 欣字五行属木,新生儿名字帅气寓意的,用作人名意指生机盎然、开朗、乐观之义。
④ 、 【韵馨】
韵:指和睦而有节奏感的;风范,风致,乐趣,寓意。 韵字五行属土,用作寓意名字意指才气、风趣幽默、开朗乐观之义。
馨:指散播太远的香味,芬芳。 馨字五行属金,帅气寓意的新生儿名字,用作人名意指幸福、温文尔雅、品格高尚、申明远播之义;根据起名68网(网名字库大数据分析,【韵馨】这个名字更适合给,这个名字男孩使用比例高。
▎兔年Phoebe英文名什么意思 Phoebe英文名 菲碧Phoebe名字寓意(挑选)
▎兔年Phoebe英文名什么意思 Phoebe英文名 菲碧Phoebe名字寓意(挑选) (细选124个英文英文名字大全)