2. 不然假扮一个搞笑幽默的小丑?How about a funny clown?youdao
3. 《生动的字母》邀请到了有名的男女艺人,但却没有搞笑的笑话或赛事。Letters Alive invites famous actors and actresses, but there are no funny jokes or competitions.youdao
4. 下一次你头疼的情况下,和一群好朋友聚在一起,看一部搞笑的电影,捧腹大笑。Next time you have a headache, get together with a group of Mends, watch a funny movie, and laugh.youdao
5. 它的胡须像剃须刀一样锐利,如同豪厄尔在搞笑幽默报纸上最喜爱的人物角色“笑容杰森”。He had a razor-sharp mustache, like Smiling Jack, Howell's favorite character in the funny papers.youdao
6. 另一方面,并且以爆笑视频展现此项目,因为好视觉效果和幽默风趣提升了其通过率。For another, they present the project with a funny video because good visuals and a sense of humor improved success.youdao
7. 《Alive Letters》邀请到了有名的男女艺人,但却没有搞笑的笑话或不一样比赛。Letters Alive invites famous actors and actresses but there are no funny jokes or different competitions.youdao
. 这有极佳的幽默风趣,能很逗。He had a terrific sense of humour and could be very amusing.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
9. 加西亚搞笑幽默式幽默风趣广为流传。Garcia is well known for his impish sense of humour.《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
10. “我喜欢你的搞笑幽默设计风格,”吉夫说。"I like how you're funny," Giff says.youdao
11. 也有益于他就把搞笑幽默发挥到极致。It also helps that he's funny as hell.youdao
12. 更搞笑幽默,感觉,只从游戏娱乐实际效果而言。They are more funny, I guess, just from brilliant entertainment.youdao
13. 广告宣传会更有创意或者特别搞笑。Advertising can be creative and even purposely funny.youdao
14. 我前面是讲过”搞笑幽默“吧?Did we also mention that it was funny?youdao
15. 但是在这部电影里,我的工作就是搞笑幽默。But in this one, it was part of my job to have fun — funny business.youdao
16. 海产品卷营销?发饰特别搞笑。Seafood wrap promotion? That head decoration is so funny.youdao
17. 罗纳德医师:有一点搞笑幽默。Dr. Ronald: a little funny.youdao
18. 在他们看来,日常电子邮箱应当附搞笑动画。They decided that the daily emails should have funny copy.youdao
19. 笑得隐秘:与搞笑幽默不相干。Laughter's secrets: No funny business.youdao
20. 哪些那么搞笑幽默?啥子?What's so funny? What?youdao
21. 能是马戏,影片,1人戏剧表演或者搞笑表演。It could be the circus, a movie, a stand-up comic, or a funny play.youdao
22. 这笑死我了到你一点都笑不起来。That's so funny I forgot to laugh.youdao
23. 我如今更搞笑幽默而且上班时间也就少了。I became much more effective and worked less.youdao
24. 我一点儿也不搞笑幽默!I am not funny!youdao
25. 对我而言搞笑幽默至关重要,我属于个害羞的男孩。It is important to me to be funny because I was a shy boy.youdao
26. 罗伯特感觉这特别搞笑。John thought this was funny.youdao
27. 主要包括搞笑短片、邪恶广告宣传及其音乐mv。These include funny shorts, wicked commercials and music videos.youdao
28. 幸亏,这些不伦不类的桥段仅仅是为了搞笑幽默。Fortunately, much of the lame storyline is played for laughs.youdao
29. 幸亏,这些不伦不类的桥段仅仅是为了搞笑幽默。Fortunately, much of the lame storyline is played for laughs.youdao
▎搞笑英文怎么说 搞笑用英语怎么说 搞笑英文翻译(挑选) :带字义分析
一 、 【溪柔】
溪:一般指小江河,本义方式,如溪径。 溪字五行属水,用作搞笑搞笑搞笑的名字意指办事兢兢业业、刚直不阿、勇敢无畏之义。
柔:1、温婉,温和,如柔和头发柔顺;2、优美,柔玉,如美若天仙。 柔字五行属木,搞笑搞笑搞笑的小孩子名字,用作人名意指美若天仙、性情柔和、优美、温婉贤惠之义。
二 、 【硕妍】
硕:学士学位名,高过“学土”;大。 硕字五行属土,用作搞笑搞笑搞笑的名字意指健硕、见识、学才、大权掌握在自己手里之义。
妍:巧,漂亮,幸福。 妍字五行属水,搞笑搞笑搞笑的小孩子名字,用作人名意指聪颖、聪慧、秀丽、纯真之义。
三 、 【麒丰】
丰:蔓草繁茂或粮食作物大丰收、钱财富庶、丰富等含意。 形容一个人体形丰腴/丰采/风姿绰约/丰神等。 也指风范和容颜。 丰字五行属火,小孩子名字搞笑搞笑搞笑的,用作人名意指富有、风韵、丰富之义。
四 、 【玲珑】
玲:形容一个人的灵便灵巧,光亮或幸福的模样,也描述玉撞击的脆响声,如如意,小巧玲珑。 玲字五行属火,用作小孩子名字意指漂亮、温婉、温文尔雅。
珑:明珠碰击声,本义淡青光亮的模样;明亮漂亮;古代人在旱灾祈雨时常用的玉。 珑字五行属火,宝宝名字搞笑搞笑搞笑的 ,用作人名意指明亮、高贵极其、倾国倾城之义;根据起名68网(网名字库大数据分析,【玲珑】这个名字更适合给,这个名字女孩使用比例高。
▎搞笑英文怎么说 搞笑用英语怎么说 搞笑英文翻译(挑选)
▎搞笑英文怎么说 搞笑用英语怎么说 搞笑英文翻译(挑选) (挑选778个英文英文名字大全)