Girls should take part in competitive sport to build confidence and resilience, the leader of a group of girls' schools will argue this week.
Helen Fraser, chief executive of the Girls Day School Trust (GDST), will tell the group's conference that sport can help girls cope with failure.
All girls "and not just the sporty ones" should take physical exercise, Ms Fraser will say.
Research that girls are far less active than boys is worrying, she argues.
"Girls who are in schools which focus solely on academic achievement can experience success after success, and may never learn that you can have a real setback and come back and recover", Ms Fraser told BBC News.
"The experience of losing a hockey game three-nil and carrying on to another match builds resilience".
Ms Fraser will tell the conference that she backs "sport for all".
"That's why I love it when our schools have A, B ,C and D teams and beyond", she will say.
Not all girls like ball games so it's important to find alternatives, says the GDST
The GDST draws on research from the Women's Sport and Fitness Foundation which suggests only a quarter of girls in England meet current recommended levels of physical activity each week, with the proportion taking part in regular sport falling steeply after the age of 10.
One in five girls do no physical activity at all, twice the proportion of boys, the research suggests.
Ms Fraser says other research suggests that more than 80% of senior women business leaders played organised sports while growing up.
She says similar high proportions of female executives believe sport made them more disciplined, resilient and competitive in their careers.
She cites the example of former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, once a competitive figure skater and tennis player, while the head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, was in the French national synchronized swimming team.
Ms Fraser says Olympic medallists like Jessica Ennis, Katherine Grainger and Nicola Adams are excellent role models for young women but says women's sport needs better funding and more media coverage.
"I think sport and exercise are ways in which women can reclaim their bodies from the kind of obsessions of the tabloid press and celebrity magazines", says Ms Fraser.
Valerie Dunsford, head of Sheffield High School, part of GDST, said it was important to offer a large range of sports to attract different types of girls.
"Not everyone wants to be out on the hockey pitch", said Ms Dunsford.
"You don't have to be a fantastic sportswoman to bounce on a trampoline and it gives you a great workout."
She said the great sporting advantage of girls schools was a lack of self-consciousness.
"Girls school pupils are less bothered about what they look like. Even of our sixth formers are still happy to put on a leotard and jump on a trampoline."
The GDST is composed of 24 fee-paying schools and two academies.
▎2023宝宝china(最新) :带字义分析
于:1、代词,后缀名;2、超出,又,个人行为時间,如莫谓。 于字五行属土,用作名字意指超出、观念、社会道德、本义有权威性的人之义。
婷:形容一个人或花卉幸福,形容女人体形优美、唯美、清雅。 婷字五行属火,好听吉祥的女孩子名字,用作人名意指风姿绰约、美丽大方、雅致。
沐:洗头;盈润,或受盈润;治理,米汁,请假。 沐字五行属水,用作女孩子名字意指开朗、万事如意之义。
夏:指四季中的夏天,也指时期名,商朝。 还指我国。 夏字五行属火,女孩子名字好听吉祥的,用作人名意指乐观、激情、漂亮之义。
智::指聪慧、眼界、聪慧,如雄才大略。 智字五行属火,用作好听吉祥的名字意指聪明伶俐、才华横溢、有个人见解之义。
琴:亦称“七弦琴”;统称“古筝”人的文化艺术涵养是用琴、棋、书、画四方面的才可以主要表现的,弹钢琴为四大才可以之首。 琴字五行属木,好听吉祥的女生名字,用作人名意指漂亮、优秀、博学多才、工作能力突显之义。
梦:梦字的字意是人到睡眠质量时造成想像的影象、响声、思索或觉得,一般是是非非同意的。 后也本义想像。 例如理想。 梦字五行属木,用作女孩子名字意指心存壮志、实现愿望之义。
溪:一般指小江河,本义方式,如溪径。 溪字五行属水,女孩子名字好听吉祥的,用作人名意指办事兢兢业业、刚直不阿、勇敢无畏之义;根据起名68网(网名字库大数据分析,【梦溪】这个名字更适合给,名字使用比例高。
▎2023宝宝china(最新) (时尚的468个的名字大全)