
2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)

茶色阳光  2023-04-11 03:55 来源:起名网
[摘要]Shirley[雪丽,雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley常见英文名音译是雪丽,雪莉。用作女孩英文名几率大,出自苏格兰盖尔语、宿务语,Shirley是个简短的名字,这个名字给人的印象耀眼、多才、干净。 Shirley的基本信息英文名字:Shirley中文音译:雪丽,雪

       2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


Shirley的基本信息英文名称:Shirley的中文音译:雪莉,雪莉 性别倾向:女孩 意思:历史苏格兰盖尔语、宿务语发音标: 美国发音[美国发音]ʃɜrlɪ] 英语发音暂时没有 世界排名:7503 1494性格印象:耀眼、多才、干净的Shirley[雪丽、雪莉]综合评分Shirley 的历史来源

       2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


历史来源1:The name Shirley is a girl's name of English origin meaning "bright meadow".All Shirleys were born in 1937, when Shirley Temple was America's princess -- or at least sound as if they were.Shirley Temple almost single-handedly lifted the gloom of the Great Depression, and in tribute (and perhaps wishing for a similarly curly-headed, dimpled darling of their own), thousands of parents of that generation gave their little girls her name. In 1935, Shirley was the second most popular girls' name in the country with more than 42,000 babies named Shirley.In an earlier time Shirley was used primarily for boys, but the tide turned with the publication of Charlotte Bronte's novel Shirley in 1849, the story of a character whose parents had selected the name for a boy child, then decided to use it anyway when he turned out to be a she.In addition to Shirley Temple, there have been Shirleys MacLaine and Jones and writer Shirley Jackson, as well as rocker Shirley Manson.

       历史来源2: If you name a boy Shirley, you better teach him how to fight!

       历史来源3: the name Shirley was also used as a male name in the late 1800's and early 1900's in south particlarity Louisiana

       历史来源4: Transferred use fo the surname originating from the English place-name Shirley, which is derived from the Old English elements scire (shire) or scīr (bright, clear) and lēah (wood, clearing, meadow, enclosure). The name makes reference to the open space where the moot (an early English assembly of freeman which met to administer justice and discuss community issues) was held. Shirley was originally a male name, but its use in Charlotte Bronë's novel Shirley (1849) established it as a female name.

       2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


       2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


       2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)

英文名也是 Shirley 的同名明星


2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


       Shirley Yamaguchi

2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)



2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)



2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


       Shirley Temple

2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


       Shirley Knight

2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


       Shirley Eaton

2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


       Shirley MacLaine

2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


       Shirley Jones



       Shirley Henderson

2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


       Shirley Yim

2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)



2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


       Shirley Chen


Shirley 昵称及变体

       2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)


"Shirley" no one can hate this name, although it's dated? :(
I actually think that this would be a really cute name for a little girl.
A pretty name that deserves another chance. It goes well with one-syllable middles.
I don't think this belongs on the "Names No Girl May Ever Be Cool Enough For" list. I understand it's not some people's favorite, but it does not rank among the likes of Gay and Hortense
I am surprised by the positive responses. I know a 30 something year old with this name and I always feel bad she has an old lady name. It just doesn't seem fitting.
Even if you don't like the thought of it being used for a boy, the fact is that Shirley was originally masculine, and should have a male page to show for it. That said, while I do actually like it for a girl, primarily due to its Shirley Temple association (seriously, she was so cute!), as a 'traditionalist', I find myself crushing on it quite hard for a boy. The problem is, it's been stereotyped as an old woman's name. Even my mum and aunt, who are totally supportive of my desire to give a future son the traditionally masculine name Evelyn, think that Shirley is 'too feminine'. The use of 'girly' names on boys (even if they're masculine in origin) tends to make a lot of people uncomfortable. And while I'm not particularly fussed about other people's comfort zones in terms of naming, the thought of having to explain or defend my name choice to anyone who might seek to question it is off-putting. Still, the fact is that Shirley hasn't been in or anywhere near the top 1000 name list for girls in over 20 years now. So if there was ever a time for Shirley to have an easy transition back to the boys, I suppose now would be it.
I am a thirty-something, female (I can't even imagine this was ever considered a masculine name) and I was named by my Dad who lost his mother while he was in Vietnam. So when I came along, I was given her name: Shirley Louise. Otherwise, if my Mom had any say in the matter, I would have been named Emily Rose. (which I think is a horror movie character).Admittedly, I never liked having an uncommon name. I never went to school with or knew another Shirley.
        我是个30多岁的女人, Diamonds Are Forever (1971), and Moonraker (1979).Shirley Valentine is a play by Willy Russell, adapted into a movie starring Pauline Collins.
        雪莉·巴西夫人是威尔士出生的歌手,也许最著名的是詹姆斯·邦德主演的电影《金手指》 Czechoslovakia and an African Country (I forgot the name) is Shirley Temple.

2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)

2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐) :带字义分析


       玉:美石为玉,玉是石块的精粹,质细而硬实,有光泽度,略全透明,可雕刻成艺术品。 也指漂亮,幸福、高贵,如玉液、婷婷玉立。 玉字五行属金,用作宝贝名字意指美丽大方、高尚、高雅。

       婷:形容一个人或花卉幸福,形容女人体形优美、唯美、清雅。 婷字五行属火,宝贝名字帅气有涵养的,用作人名意指风姿绰约、美丽大方、雅致。


       鑫::一般指金多兴盛的意思。 鑫字五行属金,用作宝贝名字意指財富、工作兴旺发达、添喜多贵之义。

       妍:巧,漂亮,幸福。 妍字五行属水,宝贝名字帅气有涵养的,用作人名意指聪颖、聪慧、秀丽、纯真之义。


       丽:指漂亮,好看,常品牌形象女人幸福的姿容。 丽字五行属火,用作名字意指佳人月貌、有修养、温文尔雅。

       雪:天空中的水蒸气,制冷到0℃下列时,就会有一部分凝固成冰霜,由上空下降,称为雪,也指洗掉,去除,也喻乳白色,高尚的品性。 雪字五行属水,帅气有涵养的新生儿名字,用作人名意指善解人意纯真、心里一尘不染纤尘、洁白如玉。


       海:1、指深海,挨近陆上的宽阔海域,比洋小;2、描述极大,宏伟,总数十分多,开阔,远大,众多等。 海字五行属水,用作名字意指远大、胸怀宽广。 这一名称更合适给男宝宝取名字,男孩儿应用占比高。

       亮:光亮,灯光,光源,也指搞清楚、清晰、光明正大、显出、表明、辅助、坚信、信赖之义。 亮字五行属火,小孩名字帅气有涵养的 ,用作人名意指闪耀出色、明事理、非同凡响。 根据起名68网(www.qm68.com)网名字库大数据分析,【海亮】这个名字更适合给,这个名字女孩使用比例高。

2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)

2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐)












2023宝宝雪莉]的中文翻译意思、发音、来源及流行趋势 Shirley[雪丽(特别推荐) (136个盛行的名字大全)

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